Paulina Scort VIP 😈CDMX❤️
My name is Paulina 🔥
I am a beautiful Colombian and I am passing through Mexico 💋
I would love to meet you and spend an unforgettable moment by your side 🥵
I offer you:
For 3000 an hour of sex with a condom 🔥
Within time:
Boyfriend deal 🫦
Kisses and caresses 💋
We can shower together 💦🤤
I can assist you at
🏩 Villas Patriotismo
🏩 VBoutique Viaducto
🏩 Another location with help for the taxi 🙏🏻
I accept cash transfer and card payment 💸 We’re going to have a great time 🔥 And I promise you won’t regret it 😈
ID: 2184
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